Event Technology and Communications

Projects & Clients


Posted on June 15th, 2002

imagesN0V1UFIR    81   vivelafrance   rocking

Ribtec rigid inflatables of Southampton were were chosen by Camel Trophy for the design and production of 60x boats for the 2000 Tonga / Samoa event in the South Pacific. XTC worked with Ribtec on the design of the boat and electronic instrumentation. All boats were fitted with marine VHF and a selection of key support boats also had Marine SSB transceivers installed. Bases were established in Tonga and Samoa and these head quarters were equipped with HF and Sat phone communication facilities for the boats as well as hosting a VHF repeater system for local mobile communications for support staff. Three support ships were also fitted with communication equipment, one of these belonging to the Tongan Navy.

As an aside XTC were contracted by Ribtec for the Earls Court London Boat Shows 1999 to 2002 for display lighting and audio visual presentation of Ribtec and Camel Trophy media.

XTravaCom Ltd - Hayling Island - Hampshire - UK

Website: Hayling Graphics